Edradour 10 Year Review

Edradour 10 Year Highland Single Malt Scotch Whiskey Review

edradour-bottle   edradour-case

The Edradour distillery has a special place in my heart because I first drank it at a particularly good and informative Signatory Scotch tasting 3 years ago. The Distillery has a fascinating history and (if I remember right.. we are about to know for sure) creates quite a delicious dram.

From their website… Edradour is a unique, single Highland malt whisky, to be enjoyed in recognition of those small, significant moments that make up the ebb and flow of life.

Edradour is produced in Scotland’s smallest distillery – and is hand made today as it was over 150 years ago by just three men who are devoted to the time-honoured methods of whisky making. Indeed equipment used at the distillery has remained unchanged since the day the distillery opened and is only just capable of producing commercial quantities. Only 12 casks of whisky are produced a week, making Edradour single malt a rare pleasure for a fortunate few.

12 Casks a week is crazy small! Really amazing then that I can have a bottle in my basement here in St. Louis, Mo. I feel honored.

You must check out their webpage that details the Distillery itself. They make whiskey (whisky as they write it) in a beautiful place.

It is really something in this age of mass production that only three men to this very day work to produce the liquid that I am now about to taste.

This specific bottle is aged 10 years, 86 proof and retails for between $48 and $54.

One thing that is noteworthy is that it makes note that it has “natural” color. My guess is that most readers do not realize that Scotch is not a light tan/caramel color naturally… most get that color from caramel coloring that is added. Scotch is naturally very light in color and only gets its color from the wood that it is aged in (unless the caramel color is added). Most all well known brands add this coloring. So it is worth showing it’s color below. It is quite attractive and subdued… sort of a light and rich peach.


The Review

Nose: Very relaxed and inviting. Inviting best describes it. The 43% doesn’t attack at all… it is relaxed and says “I am here waiting and you won’t be disappointed”. As you are looking at the glass as you inhale, you really do appreciate the beauty of the color. A rich and light tone that almost begs to be enjoyed. A caramel creme brulee is what first comes to mind. A good amount of smoked almonds and figs. The Highland water does come through.. a bit of heather and sagebrush. Overall very appealing.

Taste: Before it even hits the front of the palate, you notice the rich mouthfeel.. creamy and lively. Nothing overpowering at first. Caramel and dark chocolate at the front of the palate with perhaps some undercooked green beans almondine. Apricots.. yes a lot of  apricots at the mid palate then exploding at the back of the tongue. Also blood orange and anise at the end. Really lively and nice. The alcohol never slaps at you. It simply lays it hand on your shoulder and tells you it is there and wants to help you remember that life is beautiful. Reminds me of some of the greatest small dance clubs in the late 70’s. Freeing.. Moving.. and Tempting all at once.

Balance: Extremely. There really is a perfect progression from the nose to the back of the palate. A story is told but you feel as if there aren’t chapters.. just a beginning, middle and end with many threads. The story it tells has no sharp edges and leaves you satisfied at the end and ties up all the loose ends.The residual flavor is orange peel and cinnamon.The residual feeling is a subdued yet profound sense of contact with something greater.

Overall, I would say this is one of those great little finds. It really is probably in the top 20. This glass would work brilliantly on those perfect Spring days when life is slow and peaceful and the present really happens. There is no worry of the past or questions about the future. You are right there.. right there living and this Scotch will give you a gentle hug and agree with your sense of stillness. You really don’t need to have any food or cigar with it. It is enough but it would go well with lighter cheeses and a light wrapper cigar. Also would pair well with some of the better deserts at the finer restaurants.

I feel like I am drinking it in, not drinking it.

Score: 9 Black Cats (out of 10) The only real reason not higher is because it isn’t a bit more complex.

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We are all warriors and we need to celebrate,






2 thoughts on “Edradour 10 Year Review

    1. Chris M Post author


      Good to hear! There will be more coming… someone has to do it 🙂
      Good to see you at the gym today and best of luck in your training!



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